What is Sexting?
To the topic of the approach, it must once the concepts themselves. That is why we first detail on the word.Term
The word Sexting is a combination of the two terms "Sex" and "Texting". When Sexting is it so short messages with sexual content. It is, however, always to take photos or even a short video, so Multimedia messages.
The spread of so-called Sextings (also "Sexts") is comparatively high. An American study from the year 2008 brought forth, that practically every fifth young people aged between 13 and 19 years already Sextings has been sent. Between the age of 20 to 26 years, this applies even to just under 60 per cent.
The problem with sending and receiving Sextings is in the first line of a criminal nature. The dissemination and possession of child pornography Material is in fact in many countries legally sanctioned. Although there is - in England, for example - there are some exceptions. However, as a rule, the young people do not have the criminal consequences of their actions in the Clear.
In addition to the legal situation falls yet another aspect that is difficult to weight. It is not practical to ensure that only the intended recipient of the Sextings reserves. If the messages disseminated, this often leads to bullying attacks against the Person depicted.
Well-known applications and portals
For the dissemination of Sextings among the young people in the last few years, especially two of services established. In the first place is here Snapchat to mention a Messaging App with "Selbstzerstörungsmodus". Followed, of the service from the question-and-answer Portal Www.facebook.com.Snapchat
In Snapchat is a Messaging App for Smartphones, which is a special feature. Transferred photos are available for only a few seconds. Then this App is automatically deleted. Recordings are, therefore, not possible. At least not without considerable effort.
Ask.fm is a question-and-answer Portal, which is particularly among US teenagers enormous crowds to enjoy. A number of questions there, turn to for young people are crucial issues. It is also that young people take photos of themselves to add. Others will then evaluate whether she's pretty or too thick.
Dangers of Sexting
Careless handling of Sexting raises numerous problems. Especially young people of the dangers usually not immediately able to estimate. Are important here:Unintentional Spread
Sextings against the will of the sender to be used more widely. The use of Snapchat or the like does not provide effective protection against it.
Undo impossible
Once the message only once became widespread, it can no longer be retrieved. The damage is so arose, without action, however, could take. Bullying Often, the sender of Sextings later in the dissemination of information to victims of bullying attacks. Especially for young people, this can have serious consequences.
Many bullies hide too happy in the digital space. Just when Sexting is Cyber-bullying, therefore, a frequently used variant of the bullying. The victims are targeted in the network in addition exposed and discredited.
How can you protect yourself?
Against Sexting, there are only a few effective measures. Difficult is that these measures only in the run-up access. As soon as the Sextings are sent, it is usually too late.Enlightenment
The most important step against Sextings is enlightenment. Just the parents and teachers in schools should be concentrated on the technical possibilities as well as the consequences of Sextings to be Clear. Only those who are the dangers and risks clearly recognizes that may be in violation of these steps.
Nude photos delete
Those who already have erotic photographs made but not yet sent, this should necessarily from the Smartphone delete (see the photos from the iPhone to delete). Especially when you are in the circle of friends in short, the mobile phone to a third Person passes, this otherwise - accidentally or intentionally - on these photos come across. Such photos should necessarily be deleted. An additional lock of the Smartphones by key code is also useful if the Smartphone briefly, is left unattended.
In spite of all preventive measures, it may be that Sextings not be completely prevented. About lack of control or because the participants are of legal age. If, in spite of all the Sexting is to be taken, as far as possible on anonymity. Photos without a face, or other identifiable characteristics are already a very good first step.
If possible, you should also do not own mobile phone number or E-Mail address in Chat applications for such messages.
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