Excel: rule of three count

By David Amoyal → Saturday, May 24, 2014

A rule of three, you can use Excel very quickly solve. As the formula in Excel and tasks, calculate, we show you in this Tip. The rule of ...

A rule of three, you can use Excel very quickly solve. As the formula in Excel and tasks, calculate, we show you in this Tip.

The rule of three in Excel
  1. In Excel, click a cell in which you want to display the result. Tap your The rule of three formula, as an example, "=A1*B1/C1".
  2. If you then press the enter key, no result is displayed. The cells A1, B1 and C1 are not yet filled.
  3. Enter in the respective cells of the values. Imagine for example, the following rule of three: Three programmers need for a program 24 hours. How long will it take five programmers?
  4. To solve this task, type in A1 and the value 3, and in B1 24. In C1 specify a value of 5.
  5. In the cell with the formula you will see the result displayed.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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