Panoramic photo with Photoshop to create

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 19, 2014

How to use Photoshop from multiple images to create a panoramic photo, we show you in this Tip. Panoramic photo with Photoshop to create ...

How to use Photoshop from multiple images to create a panoramic photo, we show you in this Tip.

Panoramic photo with Photoshop to create

So you have a good panoramic photo with the image editing software, Photoshop can create, you need to take snapshots of your subject with an Overlap of about 30 percent. This will help to avoid any distortion and ensure a smooth Computation process Photoshop when your pictures into one panoramic photo. Then you will go as follows:
  1. Start the editor of "Photoshop".
  2. Click at the top of the menu bar, click "file" and select the "Automate" function "merge".
  3. It opens a new window. Click "Browse"to select the desired photos from your hard drive to the panorama image to load. If your selected photos are already in "Photoshop" is opened, you can have your pictures directly under the Option "Open add files" button to import.
  4. Select next on the left side of a suitable Layout for your panoramic photo. Test individual types on their function, if you are unsure.
  5. Confirm your selection with "OK". Photoshop cuts now your individual images into a panorama photo. The duration of the Image Processing is dependent on the size and number of your images. Tip: use "merge", you can select any number of images together.
  6. As soon as the Computation process is successfully finished, you can finish cut-to-size panorama image to look at. Close the output file and perform the same step with a new Layout again, if you are using the series of pictures was made or the quality is not satisfied.
  7. Divorce as the last of your panoramic photo to your ideas to cope. Ready is your panoramic photo.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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