Subtitles in iTunes show

By David Amoyal → Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Buy movies or music videos in the iTunes Store, you will receive the suitable subtitle directly. As you can show we will show you in this Ti...

Buy movies or music videos in the iTunes Store, you will receive the suitable subtitle directly. As you can show we will show you in this Tip.

Movie subtitles in iTunes to activate

  1. Launch iTunes and click the top left of the rectangular menu Icon.
  2. Select "settings".
  3. In the tab "playback", set the "subtitle language", "German". Also, enable the Checkbox at "If available, closed captioning display".
  4. Save the Changes with "OK" and restart the Video you want.
  5. The subtitle, you can now in the playback window on the balloon icon to activate.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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