What is a Hashtag?

By David Amoyal → Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hashtags in social networks are ubiquitous. What is it with the diamonds, the terms, we have compact for you and summarized the main issue...

What is a Hashtag?
Hashtags in social networks are ubiquitous. What is it with the diamonds, the terms, we have compact for you and summarized the main issues to Hashtags clarified.


Hashtags are in connection with the Micro-Blogging service Twitter became prominent. In Hashtags is actually only to Tags, as you get off the Blog area are known. Small Vocabularies that, when Clicked, article calling, just that word have been assigned.

The difference to the Hashtag is that before the term, a hash Symbol (#, engl. "hash") is included.

Hashtags are enjoying the use of Twitter great popularity, similar to a Blog - the cataloguing and information links. Well-known Hashtags in German-speaking countries were among other things #new territory.

Frequently asked questions

Hashtags are now in the network is a common term. However, still occur in this connection lots of questions. The most important of which we have summarized and answered.

What is the significance of a Hashtag?
A Hashtag can have a meaning - but it doesn't. It is often the Hashtag used to own Tweet a particular thematic area or event. About the case of natural disasters or the like. In addition, the Hashtag, however, be used, for example, your own feelings to a Tweet in addition to the expression.

So over and over again Tweets can be found, for example, with #lol or #rofl tagged. This should signal that the Tweet or the Person behind the situation funny.

There are Hashtags in Instagram?
Yes, even the pictures-service Instagram offers the possibility of uploaded image entries with a Hashtag. This images are also thematic mapping. Alternatively, it is this, of course, also possible that certain attributes with an uploaded image to link to.

Hashtags are in Instagram especially popular, because the service is primarily on photos builds. This makes it difficult semantic content of manufacture, if there is no Text or Hashtag is attached.

I can Hashtags for Facebook to use?
Also on Facebook is the use of Hashtags in the meantime. For status messages or posts on other profiles must simply the hash Symbol followed by a word or phrase can be added. After the message is sold, the Hashtag automatically clickable.

As soon as a third party on using the button, you will receive a message stream Stream of posts in Facebook, the identical Hashtag. So you get a quick Overview of how widespread a topic already. Those who previously by the way, to make the search wants to, can also be in the Facebook search box after Hashtags are looking for.

What is the difference between Hashtags and Likes?
Hashtags are primarily used to make a contribution, additional thematic relevance or a mood to tell. This is usually the writing Person. In a Like it goes primarily to the appreciation of a third contribution, however, even without something to contribute. Accordingly, the difference between Hashtags and Likes are not insignificant.

So if you are the contribution of a third Person really mean something to you, you will not only Like to respond to that, but a complete message. And it was only a short sentence. This, in turn, provide you with a Hashtag. Of course you can also still a "Like".
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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