Word: disable Auto-Save

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 12, 2014

Interferes with the automatic Save of Word, you can do it in the settings and disable it. We will show you precisely how this goes. Word: ...

Interferes with the automatic Save of Word, you can do it in the settings and disable it. We will show you precisely how this goes.

Word: disable Auto-Save

  1. Word: Auto-Save Word: Auto-Save
  2. Start Word and click the top left of the window, click the file tab (Word 2013). You can use Word 2007, instead, click on the "Windows"Button.
  3. Now select the "options" to open it in a new window.
  4. Go to the left in the menu bar to the point "Save" and search for the category of "saving documents".
  5. Remove the check mark in front of the Option "AutoRecovery information every 10 minutes to save".
  6. Then click the Button "OK"to apply the settings.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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