Word: insert cross-reference

By David Amoyal → Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Do you want the reader of your Word document to guide, manage the best by you add cross-references. We will show you how it's done. Mi...

Do you want the reader of your Word document to guide, manage the best by you add cross-references. We will show you how it's done.

Microsoft Word - insert cross-reference

  1. Word: insert cross-reference Word: inserting a cross reference In this Note we use the Word 2013. Under other versions of Office can each function differently labeled and arranged.
  2. Open your Word document and go up to the "references".
  3. Under the category "labels" now you can find the Option "cross-reference".
  4. First mark the text as a Link, and then click the Option "cross-reference".
  5. Under "reference type" choose, on what type of object you want to reference. Of the Heading down to the footnote, you can make all the different types.
  6. Under "References to" you can also choose where exactly should link.
  7. Then select the desired Heading, a footnote or other type from the list and confirm with "Paste".
  8. The cross-reference is now as a Hyperlink on the selected area will be inserted.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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