World Cup betting game with Excel

By David Amoyal → Friday, May 16, 2014

Who in the world Cup really want to share the excitement, the power in a betting game. How to use Excel your own betting game design, to b...

World Cup betting game with Excel
Who in the world Cup really want to share the excitement, the power in a betting game. How to use Excel your own betting game design, to be with your friends, colleagues and Acquaintances for the bet to tap here.

Step 1: A game plan for the 2014 world Cup create

First of all you need a game plan. For this, follow to the best of this guide.

Step 2: columns for the game to insert

World Cup betting game for the group A world Cup betting game for the group A When the Board is completely created, next, add columns for the tips of the players and for the points achieved. The Following is the procedure for the example of A group explains.
  • In the table "group stage," first, connect the second and third cell to the right of the double cell, in the "result" and fill in "tips".
  • In the cell next to carry you "points".
  • Then, highlight the range of A2 to G8 (refers to the image) with the mouse.
  • Click with the right mouse button and select "format cells".
  • Now click on the tab "frame" and then preferences on "the Inside". Confirm with "OK".
  • If you want, you can now even the width of the cells, in the tips and results to be entered to adjust. This is, by all the columns in the top bar with the mouse narrow drag.
  • At the end of each group and each table, you can still have a cell for the total score of the insert. Here are the points achieved overall and registered.
Step 3: Plan to finish and print
Only a table in Excel Only print a table in Excel print next, repeat the second step for the other groups, and the final rounds. Then print for each game round the table, and bear your tips. A single table, you can print it out:
  • Click on the desired table and press [Ctrl] + [P] on the keyboard.
  • In the print menu, select "Print", the Option "Selected sheets".
  • If all the settings are correct, press "Print".
  • The file if you do not want to print, you can take your Excel-betting game with different screen name to save, and then the points manually.
  • So that no one can cheat should be the administrator, the typed results with a cell protection. How to explain to you this Tip.
For Excel professionals: points automatically calculate
You can also use a formula to calculate the points. The following instructions, it is a lot of knowledge advance interested can here a lot about the different capabilities of Excel to read.
  • Calculation of the points calculation of the points With this formula, you can use the points, which is a hint that it brings to calculate: "=IF((AND(B3=E3;C3=F3));3;IF((B3-E3)=(C3-F3);2;IF(AND((B3 C3)>0;(E3 F3)>0);1;IF(AND((C3 B3)>0;(F3 E3)>0);1;0))))". The Zellbezeichnungen you must, of course, to your table. The above formula refers to the example in the picture.
  • The scoring system used to look like this:
  • You get three points for a correct result, two points for the correct difference, one point for the correct winner, otherwise zero points.
  • The points achieved let you Excel at the end of each group and at the end of each table will be automatically calculated. To do this, use the formula. (=SUM(number1;number2;...))
Points add up and find placements
Finally, you need a formula, with the points of the single player added. To the rankings of 1, 2 and 3, use another formula.
  • Create a table in which all players, and the total score will be listed
  • Use the formula=SUM(number1;number2;...)"to the points aggregated
  • Behind the General score, add the following formula for the rankings:
  • "=IF(KGRÖSSTE([field];1);1;IF(KGRÖSSTE([field];2);2;IF(KGRÖSSTE([field];3);3;"")))".
  • Where in the formula "[]", enter the range of cells, in which the General score of the player are registered.
  • Note: If you have formulas in Excel, copy, "slipping" the cell references. Do you want a formula always fixed on a cell, you can with the "$" character.
  • From A7 when you Copy to the right B7. The"$" character prevents. $A7 remains A7, B$8 remains B8.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

1 comment to '' World Cup betting game with Excel "

  1. Hahaha, this is cool, never thought that it would be possible, did you do it?
    Matt | World Cup Betting
