WhatsApp: profile pictures on Android store - so it goes

By David Amoyal → Monday, June 2, 2014

Profile pictures of WhatsApp contacts, you can use a little Trick on your Android phone to save. How it works, we show you in the fol...

Profile pictures of WhatsApp contacts, you can use a little Trick on your Android phone to save. How it works, we show you in the following Tip.

Profile pictures of WhatsApp contacts on the Android store
WhatsApp profile store In WhatsApp save profile pictures of your contacts easily in the gallery on your Smartphone:
Open a conversation with a WhatsApp contact.
Tap the top of the name of the contact, and then in the details window, click the profile picture.
Select the view the Sharing Icon in the top-right corner.
In the Pop-Up window will appear at the top of the Option In gallery save". Perform this action.
You can see the stored images in your gallery in the folder "WhatsApp profile Photos".

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Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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