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Airplane mode on the iPhone
Who in an airplane on the way, know the rules, that cell phones there in the airplane mode are to be operated. We will show you how to airplane mode on your iPhone can activate.

To airplane mode to enable, select the Home page of your iPhone "settings". Tap this shortly with the Finger. After that you should under the existing choices directly to the section "flight mode". Set the appropriate Controls for the flight mode on the enabled state.

Why is it necessary to airplane mode?

At the Start as well as the landing of aircraft should Smartphones such as the iPhone basically be turned off. During the flight is the use in airplane mode allows. This mechanism is intended to prevent these technical devices cause interference, in which you, the other passengers, as well as the aircraft at takeoff and landing, could endanger.

What causes the airplane mode?

The airplane mode is one of "Offline circuit" in your iPhone to the same. All wireless Communications can be completely disabled. No matter whether Bluetooth, WLAN, GPS, and the normal call function.

Airplane mode on the ground

Also outside of the aircraft, the flight mode can be useful. Since the iPhone in airplane mode, all wireless Transmission is disabled, no radiation. Just when longer Transport in the pocket protects the battery. Important: Because the routes of Transmission are disabled, you can, of course, will not be called.

iPhone in airplane mode for quiet moments

You can gain by airplane mode simply a Moment of rest. For Calling, it is not obvious why you are unreachable. So if you are at work and no calls to your colleagues need, the airplane mode a good way.

Airplane mode on the iPhone

By David Amoyal → Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Who in an airplane on the way, know the rules, that cell phones there in the airplane mode are to be operated. We will show you how to air...