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Android Apps uninstall
Modern Smartphones are often only by the variety of Apps interesting, attractive features, games, and more on the mobile companion. But how you uninstall the Android Apps, if you no longer need? We show you how you can pre-installed as well as self-installed Android Apps uninstall.
Who is a new Smartphone acquires, knows the Problem. Often there are many Apps installed, either no Benefit, or, at the latest, after a few days, with better Alternatives to be replaced.

But how will the Android Apps go, installed in your Smartphone? Already, solely due to the low disk space is recommended to Uninstall unused Android Apps on the Smartphone. They also affect unnecessary Apps performance. It is therefore recommended, unneeded and useless Apps as soon as possible to uninstall. For this, you have three basic choices:

Option 1: Uninstall via the mobile phone settings

Once you have an Android App on your Smartphone, this is also one of the installed applications. You can go into the settings of your Android Smartphones and search for installed applications. Often you can find this under the same points.

Android also offers the Option between installed and running applications to distinguish. So you find any Problem-Apps faster on your Smartphone.

As soon as the Apps found, select the one Android App from your Smartphone want to uninstall. Once the App is selected you with Android, a rule, a corresponding Button. Tap this to the Android App to uninstall.

Remember: This function is available under the settings of your Android Smartphones.

Option 2: Uninstall the Google app Market

Android Apps get in first line on the Google Market Play on your Smartphone. You can use this to your advantage because of this not only new Android Apps to install but also uninstall.

Simply launch the Google Play Market App on your Smartphone. Then select on the menu item "My Apps". Then you will see all of the Apps on your Smartphone on the Market are installed.

Now simply select the App you want to uninstall. If you use the App, you just need to click the "Uninstall" Button to the Android App from the Smartphone to remove.

Option 3: Uninstall Third-party Apps

They frequently have many different Apps installed on your Smartphone, regularly replace it with, are looking for new Apps and hoarding meanwhile, a whole mountain of it?

Then maybe you should about the Installation of an App to think that several other Apps in a coup can uninstall. The advantages of this App are obvious. You can have many Android Apps to install, and then a train to uninstall again. Also, there are many free Alternatives, research is worthwhile. An Overview of appropriate sources, you will find, among other things, on

The number of possible applications to Uninstall is great. It is recommended among others the Easy Uninstaller.

Pre-installed Android Apps uninstall

Uninstalling pre installed Android Apps is designed sometimes much more difficult. First try the above three ways to implement them. Often, you need your Android Smartphone root to all the pre-installed Apps uninstall.

Due to the complexity of this process should lay however, away from it, because of the risk of the Smartphone so disturbing that it no longer runs perfectly. Mostly these missteps although fix - for lay people, this is often impossible.

Android Apps uninstall

By David Amoyal → Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Modern Smartphones are often only by the variety of Apps interesting, attractive features, games, and more on the mobile companion. But ho...