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CSV import into Excel
Not all of the tables in Excel Format. Sometimes if you hit on alternative file formats - such as CSV files. This in Excel to import, can cause problems. It is actually quite easy.

Instructions to Import a CSV file

Older Excel versions have significant problems alternative delimiters as the semicolon to recognize. Was your CSV document with commas, if the Import. In the case of Excel 2000, 2002 or 2003, open a blank sheet. Click in the menu under the section, "tools", "import External data," and then click "import data" or alternatively "text file".

This will open the conversion wizard. Set the point of the option to "Disconnected". The alternative Option "fixed width" meets seldom, except for all of the records are in the length is the same. In the next Dialog, you will now need the delimiter in the fields. Once you have the correct separator have selected, click on "finish". The CSV file should now Excel.

Does the CSV Import is also under Excel 2010?

Yes, even in Excel 2010 works to Import a CSV. However, there is a small deviation. After creating a new spreadsheet open, select "data", "External data" and then "import text file". Then there is the Import identical to previous versions of Excel. You insert the width as well as the delimiter.

Is there a Trick to Import to make it easy?

If you OpenOffice/Libre Office parallel to Excel, you can use the CSV there first open. These applications detect CSV files, namely at the Start, so that automatically to be a very intuitive Import wizard starts. This is for some users better to use than the Import into Excel. Simply select the encoding, as well as the delimiter.

Once the CSV then open, save the document as an Excel spreadsheet. This can now be easily open it in Excel, without lengthy detour through the Import wizard.

CSV import into Excel

By David Amoyal → Friday, May 2, 2014

Not all of the tables in Excel Format. Sometimes if you hit on alternative file formats - such as CSV files. This in Excel to import, can ...