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If you are from a Word file Epub document want to create, you have a small Trick. We will show you how to do this.

Epubs from Word-files - what you need to do

  1. Epub from a Word file to create Epub from Word file
  2. Copy the entire Text in your Word document to the clipboard. Best to do this, use the key combination [Ctrl] + [C].
  3. The Word itself stores unfortunately, no files as HTML. So you need to an Online Converter such as "word2cleanhtml" to fall back on.
  4. Add on the website of the copied Text with [Ctrl] + [V] in the field, and then click on the "Convert to clean " html".
  5. Make sure that you have the first two and the last box (see photo).
  6. Download then the free Ebook Editor "Sigil", download and install it.
  7. Open the HTML view in Sigil, by clicking on the Symbol "<>" button.
  8. Paste the generated HTML Code of the web page. Then activate the book mode by clicking on the book icon. Check here whether the formatting is correct and whether it may contain errors.
  9. Now you have your Ebook still validate. To do this, click on the top of the green arrow. If there are no issues, you have done everything correctly!

Epub from Word file

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 12, 2014

If you are from a Word file Epub document want to create, you have a small Trick. We will show you how to do this. Epubs from Word-files -...