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The TeamViewer Host password you should consider security to regularly change. We will show you how to do this.

To change your TeamViewer Host password for Remote Connections

  1. Start TeamViewer and then click the pen next to the field "password". Alternatively you can select "Tools" > "options" > "security". It opens a new window. First you have to click on "Next".
  2. Then enter a name for the Computer, and twice your desired password. Confirm with "Next".
  3. If you are a TeamViewer account you want to create, you can do that now. By clicking on "I would like to now no TeamViewer create account", you may opt to skip this step.
  4. At the end of the wizard you your ID is displayed. "Finish" to close the wizard.

TeamViewer Host-change password

By David Amoyal → Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The TeamViewer Host password you should consider security to regularly change. We will show you how to do this. To change your TeamViewer ...