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The line break in the Word prevent you with a few settings. We show you where to find them and break off.

Microsoft Word: word wrap to prevent

Word: word wrap to prevent Word: word wrap to prevent, In some cases, Word inserts a line break, although this is not desired, for example, with the indication of sizes, street names or units. The line break, however, can be quite easy to prevent, here are two simple methods:
  1. If you break behind a space to avoid this, you can use a so-called "non-breaking space" type. Use the key combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [space] instead of a normal space.
  2. Similarly, you can use a protected dash insert. This works by using the key combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [dash].
  • Through these key combinations are in each case the words before and after the space or hyphen jointly moved to the next line. The unwanted line break is thus removed.

Wrap text in Word prevent

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 12, 2014

The line break in the Word prevent you with a few settings. We show you where to find them and break off. Microsoft Word: word wrap to pre...