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If you want Picasa to no longer use, you can delete your account. What you need to consider and how to proceed, we will show in this Tip.

Picasa account delete - in 5 steps

Picasa Account with your Google Account, so that It will not be individually delete. You can either all Picasa web albums, remove, or your entire Google Account to be deleted. This would, however, also all other services lose. To remove all of your Picasa web content from your Google Account:
  • Go to the following Link to visit the website of Picasa and log in with the e-mail address and password.
  • Now select the top of the first Album that you want to delete.
  • Click on the Button "actions" and then select the Option "delete Album".
  • Confirm the following query with "OK", the Album will be deleted.
  • Repeat steps now for all of the albums are the contents of the Picasa account deleted.

Picasa account delete

By David Amoyal → Sunday, May 25, 2014

If you want Picasa to no longer use, you can delete your account. What you need to consider and how to proceed, we will show in this Tip...