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Browsing Category " SkyDrive disable AutoSync "
SkyDrive is integrated directly into your Explorer. Automatic Synchronisation, you can, therefore, only in a roundabout way off. We show you exactly how this goes.

Automatic synchronization in SkyDrive off

  1. Simultaneously press the key combination [Windows] and [R], so that the command "Run" will open.
  2. Here you can type in "regedit" and confirm with "OK". Then open the registry Editor.
  3. Navigate in the left bar to the path "HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\".
  4. Now click with the right mouse button on the key "Windows" and then under the item "New" Option "key".
  5. Name the new key with "Skydrive" and open it.
  6. Right in the box, click with the right mouse button on an empty area. Under the "New" and select "DWORD (32-bit)". Rename the value with "DisableFileSync" and open it with a double-click.
  7. In the line "value" to change the input "0" to a "1". Finally, click on the "OK"Button.
  8. Close the window and accept the warning. At the latest after a reboot synchronized Sykdrive your data is no longer automatically.

SkyDrive: Automatic synchronization off

By David Amoyal → Tuesday, May 13, 2014

SkyDrive is integrated directly into your Explorer. Automatic Synchronisation, you can, therefore, only in a roundabout way off. We show you...