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Since the search for Songs in the music platform "Spotify" may prove to be difficult, we give you this Tip tips for the search function, so you can make faster and better certain artists or songs.

Spotify: key words for the search

Each song can be found by specific search terms to find. Because the operators and producers want the Song is often found, you can make it easy for you.
  • "Keywords" are the words in your search of significant importance. This can be a special feature in the name or in the song.
  • If, for example, the current pop-Queen want to search, simply type in "Helene" and "Breathless". The combination of these keywords will bring you to your favorite song.

Tips for the search filter at Spotify
Search tip: operators Search tip: operators Spotify has also to so-called search filter thought. With these, you can further Refine the search. All filters and operators can be combined with each other.

  • "And," "OR" and "NOT" are the three most well-known operators. If you use this together with artists or albums enter appear in other search results.

Targeted Spotify-search commands
Simple Spotify search Simple Spotify search in Addition to the most famous Filters, you can but more specifically for artists, artist, or Album search. Type To do this, just use the following commands in the search bar.
  1. "artist:" - Shows you all the songs of the singer.
  2. "track:" - Shows you all the Songs with the chosen search terms.
  3. "album:" - Shows you all right albums.
  4. "genre:" - Shows you all the tracks with the appropriate Genre.
  5. "label:" - Shows you all the Labels with the search string.
  6. "isrc:" - Shows you the songs to the "International Standard Recording Code".
  7. "upc:" - Shows you all of the songs that entered the "Universal Product Code"
  8. Example: you are Looking after "year: 2000-2004" AND "artist: Eminem", you will find only the older Songs of the Rapstars.

Spotify: The best tips for searching

By David Amoyal → Friday, May 9, 2014

Since the search for Songs in the music platform "Spotify" may prove to be difficult, we give you this Tip tips for the search fun...