The TrueCrypt created Container is full, you can subsequently increase. We show you exactly how this goes.
Truecrypt Container subsequently increase
Truecrypt: Container enlarge Truecrypt Container zoom in On TrueCrypt, you can have your Container unfortunately not subsequently increase. So you do not have a new Container must create, helps a small Tool:
- Download the free program "extcv" download and open the ZIP file.
- Add the containing file "extcv.exe" in the TrueCrypt directory. This is usually located in the path "C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt".
- Then start the EXE-file and confirm the security prompt with "Yes". The Tool will now start.
- Select the path of the container and click on the "Start"Button.
- After the password is entered, you will be asked whether the Container is a hidden Container or not. Select the appropriate Option.
- In the next step, you can use the Container to the desired KB, MB or GB. Then the Container in a few moments, increased.
- Note: if it Is a hidden Container, this Tool is not subsequently increase.
Glen Johnson
I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.
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