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The TrueCrypt created Container is full, you can subsequently increase. We show you exactly how this goes.

Truecrypt Container subsequently increase

Truecrypt: Container enlarge Truecrypt Container zoom in On TrueCrypt, you can have your Container unfortunately not subsequently increase. So you do not have a new Container must create, helps a small Tool:
  1. Download the free program "extcv" download and open the ZIP file.
  2. Add the containing file "extcv.exe" in the TrueCrypt directory. This is usually located in the path "C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt".
  3. Then start the EXE-file and confirm the security prompt with "Yes". The Tool will now start.
  4. Select the path of the container and click on the "Start"Button.
  5. After the password is entered, you will be asked whether the Container is a hidden Container or not. Select the appropriate Option.
  6. In the next step, you can use the Container to the desired KB, MB or GB. Then the Container in a few moments, increased.
  7. Note: if it Is a hidden Container, this Tool is not subsequently increase.

Truecrypt: Container subsequently increase

By David Amoyal → Friday, May 9, 2014

The TrueCrypt created Container is full, you can subsequently increase. We show you exactly how this goes. Truecrypt Container subsequentl...