Blackberry: Android APK in BAR-file to convert

By David Amoyal → Thursday, May 8, 2014

As a Google App (.apk file) in a Blackberry compatible file (.bar) can convert, you will learn in this Tip. Android Apps on your Blackb...

Blackberry: Android APK in BAR-file to convert
As a Google App (.apk file) in a Blackberry compatible file (.bar) can convert, you will learn in this Tip.

Android Apps on your Blackberry

For the Blackberry Playbook Tablet, as well as the new OS10 smart phone, Blackberry, Android Runtime set up. So you can converted Android Apps on your Blackberry install. Unfortunately, at the moment, only applications up to Gingerbread 2.3.3. displayed correctly. With the Update of the Blackberry operating system on OS 10.2 should, however, also Jelly Bean 4.2.2 Apps are supported.

Android APK in BAR-file to convert

.apk file in .bar convert .apk file in .bar convert With the website "" you can use any Android App to upload, and then automatically in a BAR file for your Blackberry Playbook or OS10 Smartphone convert. And so it goes:

  • Go to the Link to the website of the "" on.
  • Click on the green Button "Upload .apk file".
  • Locate on your hard disk after the Android App. Click on "Open", as soon as the file with a left click of the mouse, have marked. Already the App is converted.
  • After Converting a window appears, by the location on your PC select. Bestäigen with "OK".
  • On the home page of" you will see below, the "Last converted apps". Here you can with one click on an App, this immediately as a BAR-download file.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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