Firefox: bookmarks alphabetically sort

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 5, 2014

Do you have a detailed list of bookmarks, it is useful to sort alphabetically. Like in the Firefox Browser works, we will explain in this ...

Firefox: bookmarks alphabetically sort
Do you have a detailed list of bookmarks, it is useful to sort alphabetically. Like in the Firefox Browser works, we will explain in this Tip.

For more Overview: Arrange your bookmarks alphabetically
  1. Bookmarks alphabetically sort bookmarks alphabetically sort
  2. Please go to the "Firefox"Icon to the left top of the "bookmarks" and "manage bookmarks" in the "library".
  3. Alternatively, click on the top right next to the Google search window on the small star Icon. Here you select directly to "manage bookmarks".
  4. Click with the right mouse button under "All bookmarks" on the folder that you want to sort.
  5. Now select "sort by Name".
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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