Firefox-export bookmarks

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 5, 2014

Firefox offers you a simple function to add a bookmark to export. This is necessary, for example, if you have another PC or another Browse...

Firefox-export bookmarks
Firefox offers you a simple function to add a bookmark to export. This is necessary, for example, if you have another PC or another Browser on the same Bookmarks want to access.

Export bookmarks in Firefox

  1. How to find the bookmarks, So you can find the bookmark
  2. Open the menu with the orange Firefox Button in the top left of your Browser.
  3. Click in the column to the right of the menu on the "bookmarks" and then click "bookmarks menu"
  4. Now you can add one or more bookmarks, select it, and then, by clicking on "Import and Backup >bookmarks to HTML export as an HTML document and save.
  5. To this bookmark, then in another Firefox Browser to import, open the bookmark Manager as in the first two steps, and then click on "Import and Backup >bookmarks HTML import"to the newly created HTML document to open.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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