Photoshop: copy layers

By David Amoyal → Monday, May 19, 2014

In a few steps you can in Photoshop layer from one image into another copy. How does this work, we show in this Tip. Layers in Photoshop c...

In a few steps you can in Photoshop layer from one image into another copy. How does this work, we show in this Tip.

Layers in Photoshop copy

  1. Open the two images in Photoshop, between which layers want to copy.
  2. Select in the layers panel, the corresponding level, which should be copied to.
  3. With [Ctrl] + [A] and then select all objects on the layer to this complete copy.
  4. Copy the selected level of the source image by pressing [Ctrl] + [C] key.
  5. Add the level, then press the key combination [Ctrl] + [V] to the destination image.
Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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