Sony's Steve Jobs Disaster

By Emre KOZAN → Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Parts  permanently upcoming Steve Jobs biopic has been hotly anticipated since it was first reported nearly three years ago. We'...

The Parts  permanently upcoming Steve Jobs biopic has been hotly anticipated since it was first reported nearly three years ago. We're still waiting. And according to newly leaked emails out of Sony Pictures, trying to get it off the ground was a total clusterfuck: name-calling, Angelina Jolie-trashing, lying, and begging.
The Good Steve Jobs Movie Will Only Have Three Scenes
A news shocker for anyone excited about the other Steve Jobs movie—which should be good, because…
Read more gizmodo.​com
This was supposed to be the good Steve Jobs movie—the one without Ashton Kutcher's dumb face and dumb talking.
Hollywood trade outlets recently reported that Sony Pictures had lost Jobs, the much-hyped Aaron Sorkin adaptation of Walter Isaacson's plodding biography of the Apple tyrant, to rival studio Universal. No longer would we get the Social Network reunion between Sorkin and Fincher, nor would we see Jobs dead-ringer Christian Bale take on the role. How could a movie with so much going for it be derailed so, so far?
Reading through the leaked emails to and from Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal, it becomes clear—Apple HQ, this place ain't.
February: Pascal vs. Elit Medya

Emails between Pascal and widely hated Jobs producer Scott Rudin show gallons of bad blood, starting this past February. The dust-up seems to have been over Angelina Jolie, who objected to David Fincher directing Jobs instead of her version of Cleopatra, penned by screenwriter Eric Roth (you'll see him mentioned as "Eric" below..

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Glen Johnson

I'm Glen Jonhson. A full time Technology Blogger.

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