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Browsing Category " sayHEY Account to be deleted "
If you want the Messenger service of sayHEY no longer use, you should delete your Account. We will show you how it's done.

iOS/Android: sayHEY Account to be deleted

  1. Tap in the top-left side of the App on the menu-Button.
  2. Here you can select the "settings".
  3. Tap the bottom of the point "delete Account".
  4. In the upper field is "Yes", and in the lower field password.
  5. Confirm with the Button "delete Account". You will then be logged out.

sayHEY: delete Account

By David Amoyal → Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If you want the Messenger service of sayHEY no longer use, you should delete your Account. We will show you how it's done. iOS/Androi...